I'm Back!
Wow, it's been ages since I updated this sucker, and the people have been letting me hear about it too. C'mon, give me a break! You don't know how badly I've been ravaged by flus and unknown maladies from my son's germ-infested preschool. One after another, my wife and I have been pounded by viruses, infections, bacterias, and various forms of gastro-intestinal turmoil. It's been a time of heavy travel too, and the hemorrhoidal suffering that ensues. New York City for the Surtex and Stationery Shows––a few mind-numbing days under the sodium lights at the Javitz Center––then a week back home with my in-laws eating nothing but bulgoki and bibibbap––and then back to New York for the International Licensing show at the Javitz again! Airborne lent me their germ costumes, so one day I walked the show as a giant germ. The crowds barely batted an eye. New Yorkers and entertainment executives aren't surprised by a six foot tall flu germ. On the last day it felt like I was freezing while everybody else was sweating their asses off. Something was wrong. Boom! My eighth flu of the year! Vomit, diarrhea, and five hours on a plane. I stayed in bed for most of the next week and got back down to my Weight Watchers goal. Then there was our camping trip in the Sierras and the Illustration Conference in San Francisco. Oh, hell, why not just show the sketches?

The Licensing Show

The Licensing Show

Jeez Lloyd,
I'm so glad you're back! Days, then weeks, and into months of visiting TrouBLOGtown to only find "Dangle to Congress: Confirm Bolton Now!" still at the top of the page. Why am I still clicking, I wondered today as I visited, no longer hoping for something new, wondering just where you were blogging now, because it clearly wasn't here... when LO AND BE-HOLD, an entry! And one with CARTOONS too. Thanks. Pretty pathetic, I realize, but there you have it.
Yes! My penis is too large. But I don't want to advertise THAT. That ad is completely insensitivite to people like me! Why are cartoonists always making fun of people?
Wish I had something else I want to advertise!
' Love TroubleTown.
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