Yes, You Will Be Reading Comics on that Little Screen on Your Phone
Why mobile is the future of comic strips - FierceMobileContent
Normally I wouldn't blog a piece of advertorial like this suggesting that comics belong on mobile devices from a company that puts things on mobile devices. But this guy's photo is so nice, and he quotes Matt Groening as saying that developing a website "doesn't give him much pep." He's worried about Life in Hell now that LA Weekly has dropped all its comics. Because without that weekly cash he'll have to figure out how to live on a gazillion dollars! Hah! Har! He's rich, get it? Anyway, the idea of reading comics on a Kindle really is my idea of life in hell. Kindle sounds like a combination of candle and swindle. That's why I don't want one.
Normally I wouldn't blog a piece of advertorial like this suggesting that comics belong on mobile devices from a company that puts things on mobile devices. But this guy's photo is so nice, and he quotes Matt Groening as saying that developing a website "doesn't give him much pep." He's worried about Life in Hell now that LA Weekly has dropped all its comics. Because without that weekly cash he'll have to figure out how to live on a gazillion dollars! Hah! Har! He's rich, get it? Anyway, the idea of reading comics on a Kindle really is my idea of life in hell. Kindle sounds like a combination of candle and swindle. That's why I don't want one.
I don't pick up many newspapers these days, because they leave smudgy ink on my fingers that is hell to get off my iPhone!
It's the way of the future that there will be less ink on pulp. Here in Seattle, the alt weeklies have been cutting their comics for years now (apparently to make way for more 976-sex ads). I've become accustomed to hunting down the comics I miss online. But how will you reach a younger audience that doesn't remember you from the alt weekly? They already live online and you will need to figure out how to reach them.
I wouldn't mind reading comics on my iPhone, but it's a pretty small screen-- it would have to be a scrolling panel by panel experience. And I wouldn't want to read them there exclusively, because I resort to reading content on it only when I'm stuck in line somewhere. My preference is to read comics on a full sized web page, on my laptop, at my leisure. I have not even seen a Kindle yet, but I am guessing it's like a computer screen, only sideways.
That being said, I mourn the demise of alt weekly papers and their comics.
I can understand both yours and Matt's lack of excitement about online publishing. There's always comic books, but they lack the immediacy required for current event commentary.
Another loss is access to a certain audience, one that may accidentally see your work (while looking for a 967 ad!), which may or may not be the case online. For instance, I had to know about you in order to find you online.
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