I've made it a custom to tally the number of legitimate buyers who visit my booth in contrast to the artists who wander the show and other non-art-buying ciphers who get in the way of real business. On day two as you can see the artists edged out the buyers fourteen to eleven. Now, I'm not saying that only fourteen buyers looked at my booth, that would be horrible! Fourteen is the number of those who stopped, exchanged business cards, and engaged in a conversation. Similarly I only count the artists if they stopped and blathered away wasting my time while people who could potentially put burritos in my son's belly scooted past untouched. Hey, I love artists! Don't get me wrong. You're beautiful and you make the world a better place! Unless you're illustrators.
Loyd..does anyone realize how true this all is? you seem to be in another universe but really you've just been beamed to the javitz center...just another day in exhibit land...
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