Thursday, January 21, 2010

Two Upcoming Lloyd Dangle Appearances

Dangle is performing the new and improved Troubletown Sly and Snide Slideshow Monday (1-25) at Book Zoo in Oakland (6395 Telegraph at Alcatraz). Oaklanders come by the Zoo, drink some wine, and help me workshop my new show before I go before the big cheeses at the AAN West Conference on Saturday, January 30 at the Durant Hotel in Berkeley. Newspaper types: if you're attending AAN West don't skip the lunch or you'll miss the new Obamified Sly and Snide!


Blogger Unknown said...

Start posting a now playing list while you work and watch the crossover endorsments from the music industry pour in! Well maybe trickle.

5:37 AM  
Blogger Sm said...

Hey, Lloyd,
Lost my place somehow while you were ruling the panels. Your broadcast is a cool idea, kind of like having a coworker in my space. A coworker who carries on a monologue.
; D

5:15 AM  

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