Watch Dangle on Deadline on Monday

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Dangle was interviewed recently about his award-winning show Dangle on Deadline by blogger Perth Amboy. Here are excerpts:
Perth Amboy: What is Dangle on Deadline?
Dangle: It's a unique and fascinating window into the soul of a cartoonist in his most private moments.
Perth Amboy: Does your chair ever squeak or do you sniffle on air?
Dangle: All the time, that's what makes the show so real.
Perth Amboy: Would you say, then, that your show is a "warts and all" view of the cartoonists work?
Dangle: Absolutely, sometimes my hair is a mess, I have bags under my eyes, and sirens and gunshots go off in the background. You just never know what might happen.
Perth Amboy: Who watches your show?
Dangle: Insomniacs, women who work out early in the morning, comics fanatics from Europe and Japan, right wing lurkers, and others. It cuts right across the board.
Perth Amboy: If you had one hope for the show, what would it be?
I assume that the intense interest in Dangle on Deadline and the massive viewership will one day catch of eye of producers who will give me my own Daily Show, or put my family on Wife Swap. That would be my hope.
Perth Amboy: I know you hit your 1000th cartoon recently and on your show you drank so much champagne that you almost threw up on a live webcast. How does it feel to have 1000 under your belt.
Dangle: It's exhilarating, Perth. Thanks for asking.
Perth Amboy: How and when do you get your ideas?
Dangle: Tune in to Dangle on Deadline to find out. I start every show racking my brains for an idea. If I don't get one in the first thirty minutes of the show I'm in real trouble getting the drawing done before the witching hour when the clock strikes eight. Viewers get to cheer me on as I power my way through the creative process under extreme duress.
Perth Amboy: That sound absolutely frightening.
Dangle: It's naked shrieking terror, Dave, murder. It's murder.
Perth Amboy: That's Perth.
Dangle: What?
Perth Amboy: You called me Dave.
Dangle: No I didn't. You'd better get your ears checked.
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