Troubletown for Your Ears

Not only has Dangle sparked the imagination of a generation of cartoonists, it's remarkable how much music Troubletown has inspired. Everyone from Tom Petty to Ras Midas to mega-church Jesus rockers have sung about the comics you guys love so much.
There's a gal in Seattle, Jenna Conrad, who even named herself Troubletown; my existence always confused her fans. Unfortunately her sound man reports on his blog that, "she has decided to drop Troubletown, and begin performing under the moniker Avians Alight." Ah, too bad, she's starting to sound like one of my %* newspapers!...No, really, her voice is haunting, visceral, and has a raw honesty that tears into your heart and leaves it bleeding on the street. Give her a listen and buy her new record.
If chicken-fried hillbilly rock is your thing, check out cut 11 on Bigger than Dallas, and buy the record.

Jamie Marshall's Troubletown is slickly produced and sounds a bit Springsteen and Jackson Browne meet Warren Zevon. Give it a listen. Jamie goes as deep into blues infused jazz rock as anyone playing these days. Buy his record. And speaking of jazzy, I-don't-know-what-kind-of-music-this-is, Vince Bell sounds like he's going to be a mega-star, especially when he's singing about Troubletown. Only a 30-second sample here, you'll have to buy the CD.

Ras Midas
Yahweh Music's band Restoration, singing their tune, Troubletown. It will either put you on the Lord's path or have you crying for God to make it stop. The chorus goes like this:
BUT somehow through the smoke and raging din
I hear yahshua’s voice it calls to me from heaven
Seventy times seven ……….
and though I’ve sinned dear father, though I’ve sinned
I have confessed my wretched ways to you right here on holy ground
And your grace delivered me from troubletown
Yahshua delivered me from troubletown
Now that's music.
Lloyd - thanks for the comments about my song/record "Troubletown" it is the song my band used to use to close our shows with.
Thanks to for linking to my website
With best wishes from Prague, Czech Republic
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