Dangle Causes More Death

As if the controversy here over Airborne and my collaboration with the company in defrauding of millions of Americans, forcing them to believe, through the heinous persuasiveness of my scientific medical illustrations, that Airborne cured colds––and died as a result––now even more death is raining down upon America thanks to my cartoons.
As Dirty Hippie pointed out in a previous post, the new SIGG bottle I designed lacks essential purity due to a controversy over the Swiss company's lack of candor in admitting the use of BPA, bisphenol A, a stuff that is believed to adversely affect your health, in their bottles prior to 2008. After 2008 they started using a BPA-free liner. They evolved.
Amateur ethicist Bruce Edwards, a sometimes poster to this blog and my Facebook page, has said that, when one makes a cartoon or design for a corporate entity one becomes a party to any crimes or missteps the company makes or has made in the past, and that I am guilty of causing pain, suffering, and, yes, death, in both instances.

What I don't get is why my design is available for purchase here but not here.