Okeefe's Pimp Costume
Here's that guy James O'keefe having fun in the pimp costume he wore to go undercover in the groundbreaking conservative sting operation on ACORN. I didn't pay attention to it until he was busted for tampering with the phones of Sen. Mary Landrieu (D) of Louisiana, and then I started seeing the pimp video with the camera trained on his girlfriend's caboose all over the place. Apparently this guy thinks that a white college Republican can wear a fur vest over his blue blazer and khakis and carry a putter and he'll actually pass for a pimp. Similarly his girlfriend looks like she just got off work at the snack bar of the country club. You'd think that the ACORN people would've seen right through the silly prank. I can't believe anybody would fall for it. Tampering with the phones of a senator must've been his new stunt, but it wasn't too bright. I wonder if they'll let him wear his pimp suit in federal prison.