![]() Monday, September 29, 2008Thursday, September 25, 2008Wednesday, September 24, 2008Tuesday, September 23, 2008Small Press Expo
Hey fans, I will be in Bethesda Maryland next weekend at SPX. I'm actually a "guest" at this convention! And as such, I'll be performing my Twenty Years roadshow and moderating a conversation with Dan Perkins, aka Tom Tomorrow. Click the banner for more info. If you come, please drop by and say hello.
Small Press Expo (SPX) 2008 will hold a special series of panel discussions, presentations, interviews and book signings in conjunction with the upcoming Presidential and National elections. Outside Looking In: Alternative Political Cartooning In 2008 will look back at the last 8 years and forward to the 2008 elections and beyond. Outside Looking In will survey the political landscape and how the field of political cartooning is adjusting to technology and business changes in the 21st Century. ![]() Dig the New Design
Hey, check it out--Troubletown-Dot-Com is now up-to-date with a smokin' new design that reflects the changing nature of the internet and features all the gadgets and widgets you love: Feeds, Diggs, Streams, Facebook (brand new to us 40-something downwardly-mobile scruppies), Tags, Nogs, Meta-skanks, Perma-squibbs, Hoo-hoos, Trojos, and Tweets. Don't forget to click the orange arrow in the right column to go to the cartoon viewer and marvel at the comics and all the buttons and fancy doo-dads.
The design is the work of Rotodesign's Pat Broderick. This guy is an amazing genius, and his morbid, anti-social sense of humor fits perfectly here at Troubletown. I recommend him to anybody who can afford the best. Another change you notice is that I'll be blogging all the f@#%ing time. You'll love it. I've vowed to resist doing any editing. Pure, free-association. It'll be just like screwing off the top of my head and letting it all pour out. Exactly the way everybody else does it. Friday, September 19, 2008Thursday, September 18, 2008Here’s This Week’s Cartoon![]() Jesus, the round-the-clock campaign news cycle is producing incessant noise, some of it totally hilarious, like this and this and this and this. What is a cartoonist to do amid such silliness? It's too hard to synthesize. Go ahead and send me your suggestions and threats (I know you will anyway). Maybe these ARE the end times. I keep asking myself what Hunter S. Thompson would do? I keep worrying that Obama is going to crack. How can he stay so cool? McCain, yeah he, heh! heh! he’s already lost it. Big time. He’s completely bonkers. Wednesday, September 10, 2008Wednesday, September 03, 2008 |